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Home » Did You Know? » International Day of UN Peacekeepers

International Day of UN Peacekeepers

May 29, 2018

This year, the United Nations celebrates the 70th anniversary of UN peacekeeping.

The first UN peacekeeping mission was established on 29 May 1948.

The day offers a chance to pay tribute to the contributions of uniformed and civilian personnel and to honour more than 3,700 peacekeepers who have lost their lives serving under the UN flag since 1948, including 129 who died last year.

The theme for the 2018 International Day of UN Peacekeepers is “70 Years of Service and Sacrifice.”

Over seven decades, more than one million men and women have served under the United Nations flag in 71 peacekeeping operations, protecting the world’s most vulnerable and saving countless lives.

UN peacekeepers make immense sacrifices, often serving at great personal risk and under challenging conditions. The families of peacekeepers and their governments share this sacrifice.

Today, UN peacekeeping deploys more than 100,000 military, police and civilian personnel in 14 peacekeeping operations on four continents.

While the International Day of United Nations Peacekeeper’s Day is 29 May, UN Headquarters in New York will celebrate it this year on 1 June.

The Secretary-General will preside over a wreath-laying ceremony in honour of all peacekeepers who have lost their lives while serving under the UN flag. In addition, the Dag Hammarskjöld Medal will be awarded posthumously to the peacekeepers who died in 2017 while serving in the cause of peace.



Source & Image Credit: www.un.org

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